Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Dressing an Our Generation doll on a budget

I love American girl and Our Generation dolls. We live in South Africa and as such any imported dolls are horribly pricey.I am also between jobs ( such a polite euphemism) so dressing my daughter's Our Generation doll April has had to be done with a large dose of creativity. April was a birthday present and is a lovely Our Generation doll, with pretty soft red hair and lovely pale blue /green eyes..
I have made a few outfits and accessories for her so far and I am loving being creative with dolls again. I am including photo’s of some of my creations and links where necessary, so that you can add a few more outfits to your dolls’ wardrobe without breaking the bank this Christmas.
These two lovely outfits can be found at PA Country Crafts . The patterns are easy to follow and they can be sewn together in a few hours, depending on your skill level.She has another few free patterns for 18 inch doll clothes.

The pattern for these lovely warm PJ’s can be found at All with a purpose.

 This pretty pink and blue dress was made from a pattern called Butterfly Kisses by

 Little Miss Muffet.

A girl needs a place to sit and this pouf was made using bits of leftover material with a button in the centre to cover up my less than perfect meeting of the centre pieces.

Some reading material and toys just right for an 18 inch doll.
The bed was made following ( more or less) the designs for the  Be Chic Forever DIY Garden bed.Please excuse the mess in the background but my creativity tends to spawn chaos. I still need to make bedding for the poor doll but this is on my to do list.

 This cat pillow was  a copy of one of the Our Generation pillows.

 The strawberry and bubble gum milkshakes were inspired by those made for The Unicorn Café at Brandy’s Happy Home, although mine are not nearly as yummy looking as hers with all their added extra’s. Time and money may be needed to crate the entire cafe but I would love to tackle this project in the new year.

The pink cardigan was made using the ABC knitting pattern for the American Girl Doll Country Style Autumn Cardigan. 

 I cannot remember where I go the pattern for the ballet jersey, so please forgive me for not giving a link. If this is your pattern I will be more than willing to add it.

The table lamps are my own design and light up ( tutorials to follow so watch this space).
Thanks for joining me as I share these creations.
Happy crafting.

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