I am a school social worker and at times my job is very stressful and thankless. People often ask how how I cope with all the ugliness and heartbreak that is far too often part and parcel of what I do. One of the ways I unwind is by creating.I love making things, especially to give away to others. I would love to share some of my handmade creations with you. Some of these went to
Swapbot swaps, others as gifts for my children and others are just because I can.
This lovely cat was bought at Transoranje School's Christmas market. He is very challenging and I tend to do a few stitches at a time and then come back to him later. Needless to say he is still along way from being completed. |
Mia's 5th birthday cake |
My first Dotee doll, made for a Swapbot swap. I think her self satisfied smile rather reflects my own. |
This sweet little snowman was also made for a Swapbot swap. I made him from one of Stephanie's patterns at Imagine our life.
I am busy finishing off a pretty pink hat for my daughter. crocheting a hoodie for myself and trying to finish off my applique cat. I am also taking part in Very Berry's next ATC swap. My next really big project is the Montessori continent map, made by Stephanie at Imagine our Life. I would also love to crochet one of Lucy's beautiful ripple blankets from Attic24. I will try and post photo's once I am finished.
Till next time, happy creating