A birthday cake for a fairy princess |
Another princess cake for a special friend |
Hi again, I have not visited here for a while.The past few weeks have been a bit of a roller coaster ride ( mainly with me hanging on for dear life). We have celebrated two birthdays in the family and two birthday parties for close friends. I am getting a new venture of the ground ( see photo's above) . I spent 4 nights in hospital with a very sick little girl, went away for a wonderful weekend with my husband as a birthday surprise and have ended the month with a car engine that blew and had to be replaced. We have also welcomed a beautiful young lady into the family (of the four legged kind). Our boy Oscar is madly in love and spends all his time running circles round her and wagging his tail. No excuses but life has been a little bit hectic for me.
A bag in progress ( pattern by Lucy at Attic24) |
I have managed to retain some sanity by following Ann at
A Holy Experience.Thank you, my wonderful sister in Christ, for words that have spoken to my heart at the right time and with the right gentleness. As a treat to myself, I bought
One thousand gifts by Ann Voskamp and am keeping it for my holiday, so that I can savour each word. I have also loved visiting Lucy at
Attic24. Her world seems so gentle and peaceful and colourful. Her lovely crocheting inspires me and the beauty of her surrounding takes me away for a short time from the harsh realities of living in a large South African city, with all the frenetic rushing around and constant fear of crime.
Got to go now but I will hopefully not stay away so long again.