However, our winter holidays started with a bang as the children attended their first holiday club. They loved the games and crafts and had a lot of fun making new friends. There were about 65 children most days and I was kept very busy in the kitchen feeding both children and leaders. The theme was Everest and each day the kids had to dress up. Wacky hair day, your favourite animal and dressing up according to your interests were all a great hit.
I have discovered diorama's and we recently spent a busy morning making a pirate cove, complete with pirate and treasure chest. Our next project is fort and a kitchen. I have a model of Disney's Sleeping Beauty castle at Disney Experience that I would love to build but I think I might leave that till our next holidays. If you want to find some fun models to build with your kids then Disney Experience is worth a visit. Look under Paper Models.
Noah had a birthday at the beginning of the month and he received some Playmobil. We chose the Pirate carry along chest as he is crazy about pirates at the moment. Both children have been very busy with that and their Lego. I love watching their creativity with these toys

We have also spent a lot of time at my mom's place. The kids love playing with my mom and one of their favourite games is Jake and the Neverland Pirates. Here is their ship and granny gets to play Captain Hook. Their treasure map helps them find "treasure" in the form of sweets. You can tell this is a very popular game.
Above is my first attempt at planting bulbs without soil. I found a second hand vase at a White Elephant stall a few weeks ago and when I saw these lovely bulbs I decided that they would go perfectly in the vase. I bought four bags of pretty glass pebbles from our local craft shop. The pebbles go in the bottom of the glass vase. The bulbs get placed on top of the glass pebbles and then you fill the bottom of the vase with water. I have placed it in our living room and the bulbs are already taking root. I am so looking forward to seeing the flowers.
Above is our gorgeous Daxie, Amy and her favourite snack. She is a very good hunter and catches pigeons regularly, much to our distress. Other than that she is a lovely dog who wants to be part of everything we do. She is a rescue and I would urge you. if you are looking for a pet, please to try the shelters and rescue organisations in your area before looking at thoroughbred puppies. All three of our fur babies are rescues and they have brought us so much pleasure.
I am so excited to share Sophie's Universe CAL blanket with you by Dedri from Look at what I made. I am so inspired to try this although I am not sure that my crochet skills are up to it. That's all from our part of the world. For those of you enjoying summer in the north, happy holidays.